Information about the course
Field of study:
Mechanical and Medical EngineeringLevel of studies:
second-cycle studiesMode of study:
Full-time studiesDate of commencement of studies:
February 2023Faculty:
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship TechnologyLevel of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:
full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications FrameworkProfessional title obtained by the graduate:
magister inżynierLearning profile:
general academic profileNumber of semesters:
Number of ECTS credits:
- 0 - Field of study: Mechanical and Medical Engineering
- 29 - ISB: indywidualne studia badawcze
- 70 - Specialization: Modern Medical Devices and Implants
Work placement:
The study program does't include apprenticeship.
Graduation requirements:
Obtaining the learning outcomes and the required number of ECTS points specified in the education program, submitting and obtaining a positive grade for the diploma thesis and passing the diploma examination.
Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:
A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technologys 2nd degree course in Medical and Mechanical Engineering should master knowledge on basic technical and medical disciplines allowing them to perform the functions of a technical specialist in areas associated with the healthcare.
The study system produces and solidifies such personal features as creativity, need and ability of continuous self-education and responsibility.
A graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technologys 2nd degree course in Medical and Mechanical Engineering has a widened technical and medical knowledge directed at medical and mechanical engineering. Knowledge obtained during the studies allows the graduate to solve complex construction, technology, operation, organization and experimental-research problems; to process results of experiments using specializes computer software.
A graduate is equipped with skills alowing them to solve simple scientific problems. Obtained bases of widely understood technical knowledge in conjuction with economical knowledge allow the graduate to direct working teams and production plants. A graduate is able to use computer equipment and knows at least one foreign language, allowing them to freely use specialized literature in a foreign language, as well as take up work abroad
Person responsible for the study programme:
dr hab. inż. Wiktoria
+48 58 3471324