Subjects list

Information about the course

Field of study:

Geodesy and Cartography

Level of studies:

second-cycle studies

Mode of study:

Full-time studies

Date of commencement of studies:

February 2023


Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Level of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:

full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Professional title obtained by the graduate:

magister inżynier

Learning profile:

general academic profile

Number of semesters:


Number of ECTS credits:

  • 2 - Field of study: Geodesy and Cartography
  • 74 - Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics
  • 68 - Specialization: Geomatics and Geoinformatics

Work placement:

Not applicable

Graduation requirements:

Obtaining specified in the curriculum learning outcomes and the required number of ECTS points (94), submission of the thesis and passing the final exam.

Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:

A graduate of second-degree studies in the field of Geodesy and Cartography should have an extended knowledge of geodesy and cartography compared to first-degree studies and demonstrate proficiency in the selected specialty of geomatics and geoinformatics. Second degree-studies should prepare for creative work in research and implementation teams related to the development of geomatic and geoinformatic issues, as well as in enterprises designing, organizing, securing and supporting the functioning of spatial information infrastructure. Graduates should master the skills of working with people and lead teams and demonstrate creative initiative and decision-making skills. They should be prepared to take on research challenges and continue education in third-degree (doctoral) studies. Geomatics integrates data sources, their aggregation and migration by acquiring, modeling, analyzing and managing spatial data provided with spatial references.

Geomatics is based on the scientific assumptions of geodesy and cartography, uses detectors to record spatial and other data (from above-ground and underground, water, air and space). It includes the process of transforming data from various sources and their integration into an information system, including accurate data analysis.

Geoinformatics deals with the use of IT tools for spatial data processing, with reference to modern solutions in the field of aggregation, transmission and data security. It covers the use of IT in data acquisition, creating space monitoring systems and the use of scientific IT solutions to implement tasks in the field of positioning and dimensioning in space.

Person responsible for the study programme:

dr inż. Paweł Wysocki
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