Information about the course
Field of study:
InformaticsLevel of studies:
second-cycle studiesMode of study:
Full-time studiesDate of commencement of studies:
February 2023Faculty:
Faculty of Electronics,Telecommunications and InformaticsLevel of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:
full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications FrameworkProfessional title obtained by the graduate:
magister inżynierLearning profile:
general academic profileNumber of semesters:
Number of ECTS credits:
- 50 - Field of study: Informatics
- 93 - Specialization: Geoinformatic and Mobile Technologies
- 93 - Specialization: Information Systems Engineering
- 93 - Specialization: Intelligent Interactive Systems
- 91 - Specialization: Machine learning
- 93 - Specialization: Computer Networks
- 93 - Specialization: Algorithms and Internet Technologies
- 93 - Specialization: Distributed Applications and Internet Systems
Work placement:
An optional long-term research/industrial internship with a duration of min. 26 weeks. The internship is based on the Regulations for a long-term research/industrial internship.
Graduation requirements:
Obtain the required number of ECTS points according to the study program by from passing courses assigned in the study programme. Prepare a master's thesis and obtain positive evaluation from the tutor and reviewer for this thesis. Pass the master's diploma examination within the deadline set by the Dean of the Faculty.
Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:
A graduate of the master's studies in the field of computer science has general IT knowledge in the field of basic and directional content appropriate for the first degree studies in the field of computer science and extended knowledge in the field of operations research, information society technologies, high-performance computing systems, global information infrastructure, modeling and simulation of systems and elements of bioinformatics. Knowledge and skills in the field of IT applications and case studies on selected IT projects allow him to solve IT problems also in non-standard situations and to issue opinions on the basis of incomplete or limited information in compliance with legal and ethical principles. Graduates are able to discuss IT issues with specialists and non-specialists, and to manage the work of teams. He is proficient in his chosen specialization: internet algorithms and technologies, distributed applications and internet systems, information systems engineering, geoinformatics and mobile technologies, computer networks or intelligent interactive systems. Has the skills to work in IT companies, research and development centers, in state and local administration or in education (after completing the teaching specialty in accordance with the standards of education preparing for the teaching profession). He has instilled habits of lifelong learning and professional development, and his analytical skills predispose him to undertake research challenges. He is prepared to start third level of studies.
Person responsible for the study programme:
dr hab. inż. Agnieszka
+48 58 3471909