Subjects list

Information about the course

Field of study:

Transport and Logistics

Level of studies:

second-cycle studies

Mode of study:

Full-time studies

Date of commencement of studies:

February 2024


Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Ship Technology

Level of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:

full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Professional title obtained by the graduate:

magister inżynier

Learning profile:

general academic profile

Number of semesters:


Number of ECTS credits:

  • 49 - Field of study: Transport and Logistics
  • 90 - Specialization: Intelligent Transport Systems
  • 90 - Specialization: Water Transport

Work placement:

The study program does't include apprenticeship.

Graduation requirements:

Obtaining the learning outcomes and the required number of ECTS points specified in the education program, submitting and obtaining a positive grade for the diploma thesis and passing the diploma examination.

Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:

A graduate of this program has comprehensive knowledge of the functioning of modern transport technology, with a particular focus on water transport as a component of modern multimodal transport systems. As an employee of companies and administrative units, he or she will be prepared to design, manage, optimise and modernise transport systems, control traffic, carry out traffic analyses and design and modernise waterways. He has the necessary qualifications to design and manage modern logistics terminals, in particular he is responsible for all storage and handling processes and infrastructure. As an employee of a forwarding company, he knows the legal and economic framework of international transport and is able to coordinate transport projects and monitor all phases of the complex multimodal transport process, including risk analysis. He will be able to make decisions on the optimal purchase and effective operation of transport equipment, including energy management. He will apply his skills in his own entrepreneurial activity in the field of transport, including the most advanced areas related to autonomous components of transport systems. The graduate will also be prepared for professional activity in companies and organisational and research units related to shipping and the maritime economy in the broadest sense, in shipping companies, freight forwarders and land transporters, as well as in economic units forming their basis, in industrial plants and design offices carrying out transport- related activities. also in companies developing and implementing modern IT systems for transport. The graduate is prepared to start studies at a Doctoral school.

Person responsible for the study programme:

prof. dr hab. inż. Jakub Montewka
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