Information about the course
Field of study:
Engineering and Technologies of Energy CarriersLevel of studies:
second-cycle studiesMode of study:
Full-time studiesDate of commencement of studies:
February 2024Faculty:
Faculty of ChemistryLevel of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:
full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications FrameworkProfessional title obtained by the graduate:
magister inżynierLearning profile:
practical profileNumber of semesters:
Number of ECTS credits:
Work placement:
The study program includes a 3-month mandatory internship. The internships will be carried out in industrial plants and companies.
Graduation requirements:
1. Passing all subjects included in the study program.
2. Undertaking a professional internship.
3. Submitting a master's thesis.
4. Obtaining a positive result on the diploma exam.
Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:
Graduates of the studies are familiar with issues in the field of chemical technology and chemical engineering used in the chemical industry, including refinery and petrochemical technologies. They have knowledge about the production, storage and transmission of media and energy. They are able to design industrial installations, perform optimization of installation operating parameters and other engineering calculations, know the cycle of installation design from the planning stage to the implementation and start-up of the installation. They are able to use technical documentation. They are prepared to use specialist software for engineering calculations, thermodynamics optimization and modeling of technological processes. They are familiar with the issues of technical analytics and quality control. The knowledge gained during the studies, combined with experience gained on the basis of practical classes and three-month professional internships in the industry, provide graduates with good preparation for taking up professional work in industrial plants, as well as companies and research and development units.