Subjects list

Information about the course

Field of study:

Chemical Technology

Level of studies:

first-cycle studies

Mode of study:

Full-time studies

Date of commencement of studies:

October 2021


Faculty of Chemistry

Level of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:

full qualification at the 6th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Professional title obtained by the graduate:


Learning profile:

general academic profile

Number of semesters:


Number of ECTS credits:

  • 188 - Field of study: Chemical Technology
  • 229 - Specialization: Technology of Polymers, Cosmetics and Functional Materials
  • 211 - Specialization: Anticorrosive Protection Technology
  • 234 - Specialization: Technical and Industrial Analytics

Work placement:

Pracice lasts 6 weeks. Rules in accordance with the Regulations of internships at the Gdańsk University of Technology

Graduation requirements:

Obtaining the outcomes defined in program of studies and the required number of ECTS points, completing the internships, submitting the diploma project and passing the diploma exam

Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:

The acquisition of the above-mentioned knowledge and skills allows the graduate to:

  • knew the principles of operation and was able to use appropriate research equipment and industrial apparatus in order to carry out a given technological proceses;
  • knew the production and quality control methods of various products, materials and raw materials of the chemical industry as well as analytical procedures;
  • has found employment in various chemical industry (as a technologist, equipment operator, quality controller, employee of research laboratories, management staff), such as:

- pharmaceutical, food and cosmetic industry,

- producing raw materials for the chemical industry,

- plastics, rubbers and recycling industry;

- paint and varnish industry;

- paper industry;

- state administration offices; 

- refining plants,

  • took up second-cycle studies.

Person responsible for the study programme:

dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Pladzyk
058 347 28 74
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