Subjects list

Information about the course

Field of study:

Recycling and Energy Recovery

Level of studies:

first-cycle studies

Mode of study:

Full-time studies

Date of commencement of studies:

October 2023


Faculty of Civil and Environmental Engineering

Level of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:

full qualification at the 6th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Professional title obtained by the graduate:


Learning profile:

general academic profile

Number of semesters:


Number of ECTS credits:

  • 161 - Field of study: Recycling and Energy Recovery
  • 210 - Specialization: Waste process engineering
  • 210 - Specialization: Circular economy engineering
  • 210 - Specialization: Sustainable resource management

Work placement:


Graduation requirements:

1. Obtaining 210 ECTS points.

2. Completion of the engineering thesis and passing the diploma exam.

Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:

A graduate of studies

  • has in-depth knowledge and skills in the technologies used to recover raw materials from waste and industrial by-products. He knows the methods of separation, recycling, chemical, biological and physical processing, as well as waste treatment and disposal technologies.
  • designs installations related to the recovery of raw materials and energy systems that use waste as a source of energy,
  • uses skills in natural resource management, sustainable development and waste management. can analyze the life cycles of industrial products and processes and design strategies to reduce waste and increase resource efficiency,
  • has the skills of data analysis, modeling of industrial processes and simulations. He can use IT tools to analyze efficiency, optimize processes and forecast trends in the management of raw materials and energy.

He is well prepared to work in various sectors of the economy. He has not only specialist knowledge, but also practical skills that can be used in the design, implementation and monitoring of solutions related to the recovery of raw materials and energy. He knows at least one foreign language at the B2 proficiency level and is prepared to undertake second-cycle studies. He can find employment as, for example:

  •      Specialist in the management of raw materials and waste in production enterprises,
  •      Consultant for the recovery of raw materials and energy efficiency in engineering and consulting companies,
  •      Designer of raw materials and energy recovery systems in industrial plants,
  •      Researcher for raw materials and energy recovery technologies in scientific laboratories.

The development of technologies related to the recovery of raw materials and energy means that the demand for specialists in this area is constantly growing, which opens up many career opportunities for graduates of this field, both in the country and in the EU.

Person responsible for the study programme:

dr inż. Rafał Ossowski
+48 58 347 27 01
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