Subjects list

Information about the course

Field of study:

Chemical Technology

Level of studies:

second-cycle studies

Mode of study:

Full-time studies

Date of commencement of studies:

February 2023


Faculty of Chemistry

Level of qualification according to the European and national qualifications frameworks:

full qualification at the 7th level of the Polish Qualifications Framework

Professional title obtained by the graduate:

magister inżynier

Learning profile:

general academic profile

Number of semesters:


Number of ECTS credits:

  • 89 - Field of study: Chemical Technology
  • 117 - Specialization: Technology of Polymers, Cosmetics and Functional Materials
  • 117 - Specialization: Technical and Industrial Analytics

Work placement:

not applicable

Graduation requirements:

Obtaining the learning outcomes specified in the education program and the required number of ECTS points, submitting a master's thesis and a positive grade for the diploma examination.

Graduate profile and further learning opportunities:

The acquisition of knowledge and skills included in the study program will prepare the graduate to:
- develop a chemical-technological concept of industrial production of a product or material,
- developing new chemical technologies and improving existing ones (in cooperation with specialists from other fields),
- conducting and modernization of production processes, especially from the chemical-technological side
- conscious promotion of sustainable development;
- active participation in teamwork and creative management of small teams;
- take up doctoral studies.

Person responsible for the study programme:

dr hab. inż. Agnieszka Pladzyk
058 347 28 74
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